We enjoyed a lovely family Christmas here in snowy Hexham, just the 4 of us, the kids divided their time between home & friends, so there was plenty of coming & going.Plenty of food & drink consumed and now A,C & V have flown down to London to continue the fun & games, and a belated birthday celebration, with their Dad.
I have a couple of days to myself, dogs to care for but other than that I can suit myself..............bliss.
I have gone a bit overboardthis year with bulbs, forced in different containers. The paperwhite narcissi are long finished but the hyacinths and amaryilis are about to bloom.
Crafting wise things are a bit slow.I made a pair of curtains for the sitting room just before the snow arrived and my trusty bernina sewing machine was not performing at 100%, so she'll have to go in for a much needed MOT in the new year.I think the feeddogs have dropped a bit so the fabric is not going through evenly'
I have 2 knitting projects on the go ; a pair of wool/silk socks and a reversible jersy in a tweedy mix .Both the wool and the pattern must be over 20yrs old, my sister in law Rosie photocopied the Yarnstore pattern for me.
The spare/sewing bedroom is occupied with boy's stuff till after the new year so anything I do happens on the sofa in front of TV.
Enjoy your couple of days of bliss Helen...
Great display of hyacinths, the basket looks like a woven nest.
Julie x
Happy New Year. Hope you enjoyed your couple of days of piece and quiet. Love the Hyacinths too.
Pauline x
lovely to see you back on line ,glad everything went well at christmas, don;t go falling of the edge of the world again, margaret
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